The next Wellington Grading is on Saturday 19 May.
Time: 9am – 3:30pm
Cost: $30 for the seminar, your grading fee is on top of this.
Be at the dojo at 8:30 to help with the morning cleanup and to register for the grading. Training will start at 9. The grading will occur at some time during the morning session.
Then a lunch break and another relaxed, post-grading session in the afternoon will see us through to about 3:30pm.
Please remember, if you are planning to grade:
- Attend classes regularly.
- Sign the register (with your full name to avoid confusion).
- Make sure you have paid the annual Shinryukan membership fee of $40 for 2012. If you haven’t paid yet please do!
- Grading application forms, fees and syllabus can be found on the Aikido Shinryukan New Zealand website resources section.