NZ is now operating under the new Covid Traffic Light System. As our Club and Dojo fall under the Gym category, we have to request Vaccination Passes in order to operate.
Please make sure you have your Vaccination Pass ready when you come to training, so it can be viewed and recorded in a roster. Once it has been viewed and recorded you will not have to show it again. This does not apply to juniors who are under 12 years of age.
The Vaccination Pass requirement will also apply to anyone coming to watch or pick up Aikido trainees.
You will not be able to train without the Vaccination Pass.
We are moving to new Dojo premises on Sunday 14 Feb 2021.
The new location is:
Poneke Kyokushin Karate Dojo
Prince of Wales Park, Salisbury Terrace, Wellington 6021.
The first class at the new Dojo will be Monday 15 Feb 2021 at 6:30pm.
Under level 1, all Beginners and General Aikido classes have resumed at their usual times. The Juniors class is currently still on hold.
Although amateur club contact sports are not allowed at Level 2, Aikido Wellington has started non-contact exercise classes. Richard Sensei will run his usual lunchtime classes (12pm – 1pm each Tuesday and Thursday), covering tae sabaki and ken and jo suburi.